May 2, 2009

Well, the kiddo's and I have been locked up in this house all day. We're all going nuts! We haven't seen the sun in, well, I can't remember the last time. Our backyard looks like a lake and we watched one of the biggest hail storms since the summer of 1994 today. The kids have gone to bed now. Every time it thunders, Andrew flies under his comforter screaming, "Boom! Boom!" And to top it all off, school has been canceled ALL week due to the swine flu! I had three weeks of sanity left and now one of those weeks is gone...and I'm paying for keeping my own kids. I'm praying there aren't many days of rain left in the forecast. We might be playing out in it soon.

In honor of all this insanity, and the fact that I'm bored out of my mind, I found some humor for you to enjoy....

Wouldn't want to venture down this road alone....

Better hope your boss isn't in charge of traffic control....

I'm wondering if you have to "qualify" to live in this community?

This is kind of cool, even though I'd be caught red handed...

hmm...They might have a more fun childhood...

This is the direction I go in all day...

Come back tomorrow for more funnies!!

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